Before embarking on this major extension to the main school campus, the boarding accommodation at Millfield School was housed in a series of disparate buildings, of varying quality, scattered several miles away.

The new centralised masterplan has achieved the obvious advantages of reducing transport costs, both financial and environmental, increasing security and levels of supervision, increasing social interaction and allowing students far better access to sporting and recreational facilities within the main campus.

This major development of eight boarding houses provides residential accommodation with social, educational and recreational facilities for 460 students, together with homes for 16 houseparents and their families. Each house is gender specific and offers a mix of single & double study-bedrooms for different year groups, together with large common room, quiet room, dining facility, laundry, stores & a house study.

The eight boarding houses each have their own hardcourt play area and entrance court and are centred around a ‘Village Green’ setting with extensive landscaping and site infrastructure.