Sustainable building is not just about low embodied carbon. It is also about the careful re-use of materials.
A recent article in the Building Magazine discusses the strategic importance of material re-use and how this can be managed on larger scale projects. The article looks at proposals for a scheme at 100 Fetter Lane and the work of new start-up Circuland who envisage a fascinating materials passport system, where materials components are registered so that they might be a reusable asset in the future.
Here on a farmhouse redevelopment project in Somerset old concrete tiles have been salvaged from two nearby buildings. After being cleaned down they are ready to be re-used. In this case the refurbished roof is improved by using a multi-foil insulating and breathable membrane to enhance thermal efficiency and allow us to save the old tiles from landfill.

Images: above. Building magazine. Older tiles salvaged, prepped and ready to be installed.